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April 2020

The Lazy Ant

in Stories

Ana, an ant, lived on a hill by the river. Nat, her friend ant, also lived there. The two were young and energetic, enjoying each other’s company. One fine morning, Ana and Nat were out in the field playing. Nat looked at the sky and saw cloud building up over the hill. “I think rain…

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The Dove That Couldn’t Fly

in Stories

Once there lived an eagle in a valley. A dove, named Dovel, also lived there. The dove had its nest on a tree, while the eagle lived high up on the hill. The eagle could fly high, but the dove could only manage short flights. One day, there was strong wind blowing in the valley,…

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A Selfish Rabbit

in Stories

  In a vast grassland lived a rabbit named Raby. He had a deep burrow for shelter. The food in the grassland was plenty not just for Raby but also for many others who could come there in search of it. But Raby was selfish; he didn’t like to share his grassland with anyone. Adjacent…

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Chick That Defeated Fox

in Stories

Once there lived a chick in a village. The Chick was small and weak, living in a flock comprised of his parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Every day, all of them roamed around in search of food. They worked and ate together. The young ones were protected by the elders. One day, one of his…

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A Deer Without Friends

in Stories

A young Deer lived in a thick forest. His home was under a tall tree, a stream flowed nearby. The Deer was sad, because he lived alone. He had no friends to play with. There lived a herd of deer in the same forest, all of whose members played with each other from dawn to…

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