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Hasan Ate A Cookie 

in Stories
Illustration by: Danish Mir

Mrs. Rihana had a sudden guest in the middle of a weekday. She was readying for her post-lunch routine—tending to the flowerbeds in her backyard—when her uncle, Mr. Gafaar, showed up.  She hadn’t seen her uncle for a long time. His visit came to her as a pleasant surprise.  She greeted Mr. Gafaar warmly. Mr.…

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Torn Flower

in Stories

The winter had given way to spring in the valley. The sun was out. There air was fresh and cold. Sam and Hamid took their bat and ball to play cricket in the field close to their home by the lake. That is how they wanted to spend their Sunday. In a nursery nearby, people…

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Rihana & Old Woman

in Stories
Illustration by: Danish Mir

Rihana was sad, sitting in her small room. She needed all the toys she could have at five. She had none. Her parents wanted to bring her the moon and the stars, but they could not afford it. Her father, a blacksmith, worked really hard to earn for his family, but all he could manage…

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